
Crockerne Church of England Primary School

To be the best me that I can be

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Twitter user? Follow @CrockerneCoEPri

    Mon 04 Mar 2019
  • Statutory spellings are available on the website!

    Wed 24 Oct 2018

    Statutory spelling lists are available on the school website. Use the tab Our Children, then click the appropriate year group to download a copy.

  • Crockerne is a nut free school!

    Tue 23 Oct 2018

    This is a gentle reminder to all parents and carers that children are not allowed any nuts or nut based products in their packed lunches. Thank you for your compliance.

  • GDPR is here!

    Wed 23 May 2018

    This Friday is the implementation date across the EU to begin GDPR. This means that there’s changes to Privacy Policies and the way data is collected by organisations. You probably have been bombarded with emails about it recently so you know what we’re talking about.

    Crockerne is no exception to this so we have published new policies and documents for you to read here. It is in the Policies section.

    Happy reading!


    Thu 29 Mar 2018

    Exciting times ahead for our school!  As well as having this stunning new website, we now have our own Crockerne Youtube Channel where we hope to upload innovative new content in video form to be shared with the community.


    There’s one video on there right now which is the REAL project film ‘Pet Project’ by Reception and Year 1.  It is below.



    Year 3/4 Film Guides

    This film is uploaded and ready but we aren’t ready to unveil it to the public just yet.  We are having a grand launch on Thursday 12th April in the Large Hall at 9.00am.  After this, it will be available for you to watch online.


    What can parents do to help with this?


    • Share videos and blogs in social media such as Facebook with all your friends and family
    • Talk to your child about their contributions
    • Subscribe to our Youtube channel to be alerted to any new content straight away
    • If your child enjoys something in school and wants to learn to make a film, encourage them to approach Digital Leaders and they can run a club for them to do this.


    Please like and subscribe to our Youtube channel!

  • Could your child be entitled to extra funding and you aren’t aware of it?

    Fri 16 Feb 2018

    With school budgets being so tight recently, perhaps it is time to consider how you can play your part in getting what is needed for your child.  In English schools, extra funding is available for some children called the ‘Pupil Premium’.  There’s many different reasons why a child may be entitled to this funding and your child may be able to access this and you may not even realise it.  Why not find out?  It’ll take a few minutes.  All you need is your National Insurance number and some simple personal details to find out.


    Follow this link to see if you are entitled to Free School Meals. This is one of the main criterion for the funding.  Don’t discount it, if you think there’s no way you’d be entitled-  it is worth a try!  Imagine what could happen to your child’s education if you thought you weren’t able to access the funding and you take a few minutes to find out and shockingly- you get it!


    We strongly urge you to have a go.  See if you can access this funding.  Do it for your child!

  • The risks your child might be taking without you knowing

    Sat 06 Jan 2018

    Recently, in school we have noticed an alarming trend in children using Social Media with age-restrictions. Although the vast majority of children are very aware of the risks and say they don’t use them, there’s a minority who do.


    Those children who have spoken to teachers about this freely admit their use of it and that begged the question- what can we do as a school to help to ensure that parents have the full facts to hand and understand the risks involved with allowing children to use these online tools or even not being aware of their child’s use of them?


    We have provided information evenings for parents and assemblies in school for children, hosted by the police. 


    Here is a link to NSPCC's Online safety page: 


    If you have any questions or want to discuss any of this, please pop into school. 


