
Crockerne Church of England Primary School

"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16

Curriculum Overview


The Crockerne Church of England Primary School Curriculum


At Crockerne School, we follow the National Curriculum for Primary Schools. We have spent  time developing this into an inspiring and engaging curriculum that is relevant to the children at Crockerne School.   


On our subject pages you will find the core teaching principles are in place throughout all we do. 

Whole School Project Overview

Teaching and Learning at Crockerne

Crockerne Curriculum Purpose

Parents Curriculum Evening 2022


Crockerne Church of England Primary 

Curriculum Statement


Crockerne C of E Primary School’s curriculum is designed to achieve high standards, develop knowledge, develop independent learning and nurture curiosity and creativity while connecting children’s learning to the real world. We aim to provide the children with a safe place to try out new things and deepen their understanding of the curriculum areas, through a ‘hands on’ approach to their learning. Our school values support the children becoming independent learners, who aim high and respect the Christian ethos of our school. Becoming ‘the best me I can be.’


We use a project-based approach to our learning that enables children to see the links between subjects across the curriculum and deepen their knowledge and understanding of both the curriculum and the world around them.

We use the National Curriculum as the guide to determine the content of our ‘Instructional Programme’ for each subject, which then sets out the detailed knowledge the children will learn in all areas of the curriculum in a year by year progressive manner.  This is then used to plan in depth projects across the school.  You can find details of these on our class pages.   

The design of the curriculum has been developed so that we provide as many cross curricular links as we can to ensure the curriculum emphasises high standards in both core and foundation subjects.

Through the planning of projects and cross-referencing the knowledge, we put equal weight on all areas of learning and ensure that pupils see all subject areas as important and interconnected.


Our projects are ‘Rigorous, Engaging, Authentic Learning’, using children’s interests and abilities, and areas that excite them.  Our projects always start with an engaging “non-Googleable” question. For example: Year 3 /4 have a project called ‘Can you save the planet with words?


Sparkling starts and high quality end products differ in each cycle to maintain a sense of interest and of the unexpected.

By inviting different professionals and specialists into school and visiting places of interest we are creating links so that the children see at first-hand what they can aim for in life, which professions they might want to pursue and ways in which they can achieve this. Through our projects, we are tackling issues such as obesity and climate change and to encourage children ‘to be the best me that I can be’.


Whilst assessing the children against the national assessment criteria we are also continually assessing their learning behaviours and skills and how they approach problems and real life situations. This is enhanced by a whole school initiative that uses a gem point reward system linked to learning ‘Gem powers’. (For example, ‘Ruby power’ relates to supportive and empathetic behaviour; ‘Sapphire power’ relates to focus and determination.

We are an inclusive school and a firm school community.  We celebrate the children’s learning with rewards based on our ‘Gem Powers’. Our curriculum is accessible to all children, and staff ensure that all learning styles have equal access.


At Crockerne Primary School all class teachers are responsible for providing a curriculum that is suitable for all pupils in the class, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) with support from the SENDCo. We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Our accessibility plan emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found on our SEND & Inclusion page and in our Special Education Needs Information Report.


Curriculum research is always developing.  As a school, we embrace new developments from evidence-based research; we will continue to adapt our curriculum to develop the best learning for our children.


The children of Crockerne say that at our school, they “learn a great deal and that learning is fun.”


For further information on the curriculum being followed at Crockerne, please speak to your class teacher, or contact:

Emma Bray -  Headteacher

Sonya Crutchley - Assistant Headteacher.


There is also information on the national curriculum on the DofE website, which may be viewed here:

Key Concepts mapping- Linking learning and building on Knowledge and Understanding
