
Crockerne Church of England Primary School

To be the best me that I can be

Year 5 / Year 6

Welcome to the start of another fantastic year!


Power to the People!

is our new topic for the first two terms of the year. 

We will be learning about the legacy of Britain at war with a focus on the roles of women, children and animals. 

We will be looking in depth at WW2.


Our shared reading books for this term...

Welcome to Year 5 / Year 6!


Welcome to Year 5 and 6.  We are three parallel mixed age range classes: Lime (Mrs White), Maple (Mrs Gallagher) and Cherry (Mrs Palmer & Mrs Crutchley).  We work both in separate classes, in phases and as a whole team preparing the children for the next stage of learning.



Lime Class - Monday

Cherry Class - Tuesday

Maple - Friday


All classes will be working with Martin on a Friday - please have PE kit in school. 


Swimming will commence soon - we will update you on this.



All children are expected to: read at home four times per week - Reading books and reading records should be brought to school every day and are checked on Wednesday


Topic homework serves to reinforce previous learning or as research for new information. This homework will be set and handed in on Thursdays.

As we move into term 2 and 4, year 6 children will have additional homework based around SATS preparation.

We also encourage children to use TTRockstars, or another method, to continually rehearse their Times Tables. 



Every July Year 6 children have the opportunity to take part in a week long residential trip to Mill on the Brue, Bruton, Somerset. Year 6 Camp is always a fantastic week where the children are challenged to experience and embrace a wide range of outdoor pursuits. 



During most real projects we organise curriculum related school trips. Recent outings have included: Warner Brothers Studios (home of Harry Potter); We the Curious, the STEAM Museum in Swindon; the Lifeskills Centre in Bristol; A cultural walk around Clifton Village



Year 5/6 children from Crockerne have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of activities outside the classroom. From singing and dancing to sports and the arts we encourage all our pupils to find something they enjoy and excel in.
Running Club on a Friday morning. Meet Mr Creton at the school gates at 8:00am


Dance club for Y5/6 on a Monday  3:15 - 4:15 with Mrs Crutchley (starts term 2)


Signing Choir on Thursday breaktimes in Cherry Class with Mrs Crutchley


Gym Club on Tuesdays or Wednesdays 3:15 to 4:15. Information from the office


Music lessons for guitar - Information from the office

Y5 and 6 Two year topic cycle
