"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16
With school budgets being so tight recently, perhaps it is time to consider how you can play your part in getting what is needed for your child. In English schools, extra funding is available for some children called the ‘Pupil Premium’. There’s many different reasons why a child may be entitled to this funding and your child may be able to access this and you may not even realise it. Why not find out? It’ll take a few minutes. All you need is your National Insurance number and some simple personal details to find out.
Follow this link to see if you are entitled to Free School Meals. This is one of the main criterion for the funding. Don’t discount it, if you think there’s no way you’d be entitled- it is worth a try! Imagine what could happen to your child’s education if you thought you weren’t able to access the funding and you take a few minutes to find out and shockingly- you get it!
We strongly urge you to have a go. See if you can access this funding. Do it for your child!