To be the best me that I can be
Crockerne Church of England Primary School has a range of policies and procedures in place which are designed to promote a positive and comfortable learning and working environment. They are also there to ensure our pupils, staff and visitors remain safe at all times.
We have carefully considered and analysed the impact of all of our policies on equality and the possible implications for pupils with protected characteristics, as part of our commitment to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.
The following policies and information are held on our trust website:
Policies | Information |
Charging and Remissions Policy | Audited Accounts |
Complaints Policy & Procedure | Executive Pay |
Exclusions | Governance Information |
Privacy Notice | Home School Communication |
Whistle Blowing |
For these and all Kaleidoscope MAT Policies please follow this link:
In addition to the MAT policies listed in the link, please see below for Crockerne Primary School specific Policies. We also have specific SEN/Accessibility policies, which can be found on our SEND & Inclusion page.