
Crockerne Church of England Primary School

"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16

Late/Absence Procedures


If your child is absent from school for any reason, please call the school office on 01275 372659 before 9am on the morning of your child's absence, to advise of the reason for this.  If there is no one available, please leave a message on the ansaphone clearly stating your child's name, class and reason for absence.


Parents/carers of all absent children will be contacted if the school has not received a message by this time.  Please remember to cancel your child's school dinner via Select as any paid for dinners will still be charged.


The full MAT attendance policy may be accessed here.


The NHS also publishes guidelines for parents, to help you decide if your child is too ill for school.  Further information on this may be accessed via this link: NHS Guidelines




If your child has an appointment during the school day, they should be signed out/in via the main school office. Please note that pick up/dropoff is not possible during the lunch hour 12pm - 1pm.



Parents are expected to ensure that children are present at registration.  Registers will close at 8.50am; children arriving after this time will be recorded as late.


Holidays during term time

Unfortunately holidays during school term time are not authorised, except in exceptional circumstances.  Absence request forms may be collected from the school office or accessed below.
