
Crockerne Church of England Primary School

"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16


Y5/6 Soundscape Project: Create a 'Theatre in a box' and compose a music score to accompany the scene.

From tempo to timbre and percussion to pitch, at Crockerne we love music!

We teach it using the Music Express On-Line instructional programme which is supplemented with Praise through singing,  musical performances and the learning of instruments throughout the year.

Music Express On-Line provides units of learning within each year group, each with a different theme. This allows us to link our music learning to our REAL projects if there is a corresponding unit, or teach it discretely when there isn't. 

Music skills are reinforced and built on as children progress through the school with KS1 taking part in the authorities Summer Sing and KS2 taking part in the yearly Raise the Roof and MAWs events.




Music Development Plan July 2024
