To be the best me that I can be
Wellbeing and Mental Health at Crockerne
Supporting positive mental health is important to us here at Crockerne. All staff have access to a number of resources to support this in their day to day teaching, and Mrs Bray, Mrs Crutchley, Mrs Freeman, and our learning mentor Mrs Slatter are also Youth Mental Health First Aiders.
There are many websites that parents and/or young people can access to learn more about ways to promote positive mental health, or to provide support if they are struggling:
Young Minds is a specific children’s and young person’s charity
The Anna Freud Centre also have some great wellbeing and mental health resources, not just for schools, but also specifically for parents and carers:
Mind are a charity that support all ages, but they also have a specific section for young people aged 11 - 18
Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community for young people, with qualified counsellors available for support:
The NHS have a comprehensive list of charities that support people struggling with mental health issues:
as well as details of the '5 steps to mental wellbeing':
Young Carers
If you think your child may be a young carer, please get in touch with Mrs Slatter, who can talk with you and your child about how we can support them. Alliance Homes have information about what being a young carer looks like, and we are also able to refer your child to them for extra support. More details can be found on their website:
Early Help
There are a number of ways we can support you, your child and your family. We can signpost you to other services, provide pastoral support, organise workshops and coffee mornings, provide details of holiday clubs and activities and, if necessary, make a referral to the local authority Early Help service for children, young people and families. If you would like to know more about the support they can offer, details can be found on their website, or get in touch with Mrs Slatter, who will be happy to help: