
Crockerne Church of England Primary School

"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16

SEND & Inclusion

Welcome to our SEND Parent Information Page

Presentation from Parent's SEND and Wellbeing information Evening.

At Crockerne Church of England Primary School, we work very hard to help pupils to develop the skills and knowledge they need to have a bright and positive future.

Crockerne C of E School is whole heartily committed to an inclusive approach. We welcome everyone into our school community and ensure that we deliver the best education for all children, enabling all to achieve their full potential.


We understand that no one child is the same, and some children will have different learning needs to others. We aim to support all our children in any way we can.


Our Special Educational Needs / inclusion team

Ms Shelley Taylor (SENDCo)

Mrs Lucy Rees (INCo)

Mrs Emma Bray (Headteacher),

Mrs Tanya Slatter (Learning Mentor) and

Kevin Arden (SEND Governor),


They can be contacted in the first instance through the main school email, on


What is SEND?

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is when a child or young person has a learning difficulty or disability which requires them to have extra help and support in their learning.


SEND can be broken down into four main areas:


• Communication and interaction
• Learning difficulties
• Social, emotional and mental health
• Physical and sensory


What do I do if I think my child has SEND?

If you think your child needs extra support, you should talk to their class teacher. They will be able to advise you on the next steps and support we offer.


How will you support my child if they are identified as having SEND?

We believe that each child has individual and unique needs, and recognise that some children may require more support than others. Every child at Crockerne, regardless of special educational needs, is entitled to a successful and positive learning experience.


The support we offer will depend on the needs of your child. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Shelley Taylor, is on hand to advise and implement the best way to support SEND children. This might be something as small as a slight change in the way we teach a subject, or it may be that your child needs to be withdrawn briefly from the classroom, individually or in a group, to work with an adult to develop their learning through specific interventions.



Inclusion is about equal opportunities for all. We are a reflective school, who continually adapts their practice on order to meet the needs of all our school community. We believe strongly that all children should play a positive role in society where diversity is recognised and respected, where every person is valued equally and should have the same opportunity to realise their full potential.



We carefully monitor the achievements and well-being of all our learners in order to ensure that we provide appropriate provision that is adaptable to meet their changing needs. We use a variety of access arrangements and teaching styles to ensure that all pupils are provided with an appropriate and accessible curriculum, which allows them to develop and progress at their own level. All children within the School, regardless of their level of ability and any disability or special educational needs they may have, are valued for their individual contributions.  We use our best endeavours to meet each child's needs and make reasonable adjustments to enable children and their families to participate fully in the life of the School. 


Support at Crockerne

The School's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and class teachers cater for children's varying needs and abilities through carefully planned and differentiated activities.  Some children need particular support during their time at primary school, either for a short period of a few terms, or more continuously.  We seek to identify and assess such 'special educational needs' promptly, in consultation with parents.   Where appropriate, we develop an individual profile and provision map, in consultation with the child's teacher and parents.  We also actively seek and take into account the views of the child with the aim of engaging all children with their own learning objectives.  Children may receive help individually or in a small group according to their individualised programme. Their progress is regularly monitored.


What arrangements are made to enable my child to benefit and take advantage of the full school curriculum and extra curriculum activities?

We have an Accessibility Plan in place to ensure that pupils with SEN and Disability can take part in all aspects of school life and that any reasonable adaptations are made to support this. The school's Accessibility Plan is updated annually. 

Depending upon the specific needs of your child a more personalised access plan or medical plan may be drawn up in consultation with you. This will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. We undertake additional planning and risk assessments to ensure that pupils with SEND can take part in the wide range of extra-curricular activities the school offers including school clubs, educational visits and residential trips.


External partnerships
What support from outside does the school use to help my child?

The school works with a number of external agencies to seek advice and support to ensure that the needs of all children are fully understood and met. These include:
Educational Psychology Service 

Speech and Language Therapy Service
Early Help Team

Visual Impairment Team

Hearing Impairment Team

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)


Arrangements for handling complaints
What should I do if I am unhappy about the support for my child?

If you are unhappy about any aspect of the support given to your child, please speak to the class teacher straight away. Depending on the nature of your concern, a meeting will be held with the SENCO and one of the senior leaders. We will work with you to resolve any issues and alleviate your concerns. We can also make arrangements for you to discuss concerns with other key professionals such as the Educational Psychologist. 
If you are still unhappy and do not feel the matter is fully resolved the school will recommend that you seek support from the local Special Education Need Information and Advice Service.

If your concern is directly related to decisions around the Education, Health and Care Plan, this will be managed directly by the North Somerset SEND Team.

If your concern is still unresolved you may be advised to make a formal complaint via the school complaints procedure.


How will the school help my child to move between year groups and schools?

Children and young people with SEND can become particularly anxious about ‘moving on’, so we seek to support their well-being and positive mental health through successful transition and ensure consistency of support:
When joining our Nursery/Reception Classes:
The Early Years Leader or SEND Lead will contact the pre-school setting to seek information regarding the nature and level of needs for pupils identified with SEND and the provision that has already been offered to overcome these barriers. Discussions will be held with parents/carers to share information. If the pupil has more significant needs and/or has support from other professional agencies, more formal transition meetings will be arranged and documented.
When moving to/from another school:

We will contact the School SENCO and share information about special arrangements and support currently in place to help your child achieve their learning goals.
We will ensure that all records are passed between schools as soon as possible, securely.
When moving between classes and phases
An information sharing meeting will take place with the new teacher.
Opportunities will be provided for your child to visit the new class and meet the teacher and other key staff.


When moving to secondary school:
Our SEND Lead will encourage parents and carers to visit a range of secondary schools and make contact with the Year 7 leader or SENCO once a school has been named to start planning for transition.
Multi-agency meetings may be arranged to create a more detailed transition plan. Successful arrangements and interventions currently used to support your child can be shared with the receiving school and additional visits to the new setting may be planned to help your child become familiar with the new setting and to reduce any anxieties.
Your involvement in this process will be critical to supporting a successful move.


Working together for SEND families- nspcwt


North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together is support group for parents of children with SEND.

Access a network of support through our forum, ask questions and raise issues. Here you can be heard by those who understand what it’s like to be a parent carer.




The governing bodies of maintained schools and maintained nursery schools and academy schools must publish information on their websites about the implementation of the governing body’s policy for pupils with SEN.


See below for a link to our SEND Information Report.


If you have any queries, questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact William Brogan. If you wish to contact us via email, we will aim to get back to you within 5 working days. However, if you would prefer to make an appointment or speak to us over the telephone, please call: (01275) 372659.

