Crockerne Church of England Primary School is set in the heart of the Pill community, North Somerset. All Crockerne staff pride themselves on creating a warm, friendly atmosphere in which we believe our children can thrive. Crockerne children have the opportunity to be creative, active and investigative, with access to a wide range of subjects, projects, clubs and activities. This enables Crockerne children to be the best version of themselves. As Crockerne is a church school, we thread this message throughout the curriculum using the school's chosen verse, 'Let your light shine,' Matthew 5:16.
Our Children Say:
- I like my teacher because she always looks after me and teaches me new words for my sentences.
- I love going to Crockerne as everyone is really kind. My teacher helps me with my work.
- My teacher is really nice and funny. She makes even the hard things seem easy.
Our Parents Say:
- We are extremely grateful to you all, for going above and beyond as always but even more so during these times. You are the Best Team and provide us with the best school in the world!
- Huge thank you to each and everyone of you who made Crockerne the wonderful school that it is, and for helping grow my babies into the amazing young people they are today.
- The teacher really knows my child. They know that my child is a little shy and is patiently encouraging and praising the contributions my child makes - maturing her confidence, abilities and opinions.
- The teachers go the extra mile to help reluctant readers keep up with their peers.
- I will be forever grateful for giving my son the confidence he needed to transition to Secondary School.
- Amazing teachers and Head taking time out of their busy schedules to discuss my child and making it very clear that she matters.
Our SIAMS inspection reports that we are:
- All members of the school community are fully committed to the school’s vision.
- Staff and pupils are inspired to ‘be the best me they can be’.
- Relationships are strong and caring and behaviour is exemplary.
- Parents speak positively of the on-going support they are given, particularly in times of need or loss.
- The values also make a difference to the ways pupils interact daily. They say, ‘people don’t laugh or make fun of our opinions. Our values of respect and tolerance help us get along.’ Therefore, pupils enjoy school, feel safe and want to learn.
- The strategies for acknowledging pupils’ good choices are firmly rooted in the school’s vision. Gem points are awarded providing concrete shining examples to celebrate.
- Pupils also benefit from a curriculum that is rich and varied, developed through projects. These are planned to leave a legacy of learning, life experiences, aspiration and hope for the future.
- Charitable giving is driven by these young people, who want to follow the example of the Good Samaritan. In being the best neighbour they can be to others they are growing as effective young citizens, positive advocates for good.
Ofsted Says:
- Crockerne School is a caring and supportive place. Pupils say that they enjoy school. They told me that they like learning and expect to work hard in lessons.
- Pupils say that everyone in the school expects them to behave well. They told me that the school teaches them to ‘be ready, be respectful and safe.’ This helps them to listen well in lessons and think about safety at breaktimes and in between lessons. Pupils behave well towards each other
- Pupils feel safe in school. They know that they can talk to any adult if they are worried about something. Pupils told me how adults help them to play together happily by encouraging older pupils to be ‘buddies’ to younger ones. Pupils say that bullying is very rare and that teachers sort it out straight away.
How Kaleidoscope MAT Supports It’s Church Schools
Kaleidoscope celebrates and supports its Church Schools vision, values and Christian distinctiveness. Church Schools and the communities they serve are important and integral members of our MAT and we work hard to ensure that our policies, procedures and actions capture this. This is encapsulated in our 5Cs.
Half of our Members and Trustees are Foundation members and have been approved by the Diocese of Bath and Wells. Church Schools are a specific focus at our meetings and we have developed policies for the Church Schools within our MAT. Kaleidoscope has a close working partnership with the Diocese and our leaders and staff attend meetings/training led by the Diocese. In addition to this, we have our Church Schools' Forum where we discuss policy and develop best practice across our Church Schools. As a MAT, our schools and leaders work closely together to support each other. This is part of Kaleidoscope's collaborative ethos.