
Crockerne Church of England Primary School

To be the best me that I can be

Year 1/2

Welcome to Year 1/2!


The Year 1/2 Curriculum is a bridge between learning through play and active learning of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the more formal learning style of Key Stage 2 (KS2).

Our project for Terms 1 and 2:


What makes your light shine?


The children in Year 1/2 have enjoyed exploring many new topics this term, such as animal characteristics, gymnastics, Grace Darling, and our class story, The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.


One of the children's favourite moments was sandwich making, where they produced their own recipe and put their practical skills to the test. They created "appetising", "delicious" and "mouth-watering" jam sandwiches, inspired by Mr and Mrs Grinling. 




The children in Year 1/2 have enjoyed learning about Grace Darling's heroic act of kindness. To bring this piece of history to life, we had a very special visit from the Coastguard. The children learnt even more about staying safe at sea and were even able to try out some of their rescue equipment. 





Our Team:

Willow Class

Mrs O’Dea – Year 1&2 Phase Leader and Class Teacher
Mrs Nicholls – Class Teacher
Mrs Evans – Teaching Assistant

Holly Class
Mrs Evans – Class Teacher
Ms Llewellyn – Teaching Assistant
Mrs Ellis – Learning Support Assistant

Birch Class
Miss Anderson- Class Teacher
Mrs Sharp – Teaching Assistant
Ms Marino – Learning Support Assistant



Term 1/2 Project - What makes your light shine?

Term 3/4 Project - Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion

Term 5/6 Project - Where in the world are we?


A typical day in Year 1/2:



Gates open starter activity


Welcome, Register and Lunches


Daily Phonics Session


Daily Maths Session


Snack and Break Time


Daily Literacy Session


Guided Read (group session), Story Time and Lunch Prep


Lunch Time




Whole Class Handwriting (3 days), Library Visit, change for Forest School


Foundation subjects: Science, History, Geography Art, DT, Music




Assembly followed by Class Story Time


Home Time


  • Mondays - Birch class library visit and PE slot
  • Tuesdays - Willow Class library visit and PE slot.
    • 2.50 Family Reading
  • Thursday - Holly Class Library Visit and PE slot
  • Friday - Forest School


  • Navy sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan with school logo
  • Blue or white blouse, shirt or polo shirt
  • Grey or black trousers, shorts or skirts
  • Blue, black or grey summer dresses
  • Sensible black school shoes or trainers
  • No jewellery
  • Name labels in everything
  • P.E. kits, wellies and waterproofs to be kept in school
  • We are teaching independence and changing for PE, so please can children wear uniform they find easy un/dress.

What can you do to help your child’s learning at school?

  • Read/share books with your children every day. Please do not forget to comment in their reading diary
  • Writing: name writing, shopping lists, birthday cards, story writing
  • Encourage children to talk, tell stories, describe what they can see, hear and smell, etc.
  • Number: Counting to 100 and beyond; counting in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s.
  • Support any homework that comes home.


  • Every book should be 100% decodable to build confidence and fluency.
  • Your child’s book will be changed every week if they are ready to move on.
  • Read the whole book at least 4 times per week (once for decoding, twice for fluency, and third for prosody and comprehension)
  • If you feel your child is fluent you can extend by word definition and writing key words - Can they spell key vocabulary as well as read it?

Food and drink:

  • Every child in Year 1 and 2 is entitled to a free school meal. Please have lunches ordered before 8.30am.
  • Children are provided with free fruit each day, they are welcome to bring in a nut-free snack but it must be fruit or a low sugar cereal bar (no chocolate).
  • A named water bottle - containing only water please.

Additional Info:

  • Please let us know if someone different is collecting your child.
  • Parent helpers are always welcome and hugely appreciated!




  • Any sickness, diarrhoea, must be followed by 48 hours absence.
  • Head lice are common! Please check regularly and treat as recommended. Tie long hair back.
  • Any absence requires a telephone call to the school
  • Any prescribed medication can only be administered by prior arrangement with the school office

Dates for the diary:

Year 1 Phonics Meeting

Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 9 am


Year 2 Phonics Meeting

Wednesday 9th October 2024 at 9 am

Thank you!

  • We look forward to a happy partnership with you in your child’s KS1 school years and beyond.
  • Our door is always open, if there is anything we can do to help. The best time to speak to us is after school.


The links below will allow you to access Purple Mash, with your child's login and password, and provide useful information and support:

Sharing External Files | Home Learning with Purple Mash | 2SimpleTV

In this video, we'll be showing you how to upload external documents on Purple Mash
