"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16
Welcome to Friends of Crockerne
Friends of Crockerne (otherwise known as the PTA) is an active group of Parents, Family members, Staff and Governors who meet regularly. We aim to advance the education of the pupils in the school, purchasing items and equipment that the school may not otherwise be able to afford due to budget constraints. The current Committee consists of:
Chair – Charlotte Kaszubski
Vice Chair – Sian Bannister
Vice Chair - Kat John
Co Secretary – Vicki Merrin
Co Secretary - Louise Meek Hopkins
Treasurer – Charlene Coles
Next Meeting will be TBC
New website for ‘Friends of Crockerne’
We have created our very own website and is being launched to all parents old and new September 2021. Our PTA Events websites can be used to sell tickets for events, advertise for volunteers, list upcoming events and for people to make donations easily. We have set this up to make purchasing tickets easier moving forward. The first time you use the website you do have to register but then you will just be able to log in subsequent times that you use it.
This is the website: www.pta-events.co.uk/crockerne
Please let us know how you get on with it.
What do Friends of Crockerne do?
How can I get involved?
We are always looking for more volunteers, here are some ways you can help to support Friends of Crockerne,:
Email us at PTA@Crockerne.co.uk and request to be added to our e-mail circulation list. If you prefer, follow us on our Social media pages -
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PTACrockerne or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FriendsofcrockernePTA to find out when we are meeting and what we need help with.
I don’t have time to do any of the above, can I still help Friends of Crockerne?
Yes you can, everyone can help to support Friends of Crockerne without even realising they are in these simple ways.
Easy fundraising
Did you know most purchases you make online could be making money for your childs school? Follow these 4 simple steps to get started:
Make a monthly or one off donation
If you are a busy family and unable to commit or attend any of the above but would like to contribute towards the Friends of Crockerne funding, you can set up your own Standing Order for a regular donation, whether you'd like that to be monthly, termly or just a one off payment. The Friends of Crockerne bank account details are:
Sort code: 54-30-06
Account number - 99686511
Find out whether your company provides match funding
Some companies (e.g. Banks, Supermarkets, Insurance companies, Utility providers, Phone companies, Car manufacturers etc) will match funds raised for a charity of your choice (e.g. Friends of Crockerne as we are a registered charity) if you work for them. If your employer does this then please get in touch! For more info on match funding click this link https://www.pta.co.uk/funding/faqs-match-funding
Consider whether you or your company could donate goods or services
For instance old iPads/computers or any raffle prizes e.g. therapies, goods, hampers or a gift voucher.
How can I contact Friends of Crockerne?
Email us: PTA@Crockerne.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FriendsofcrockernePTA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PTACrockerne
Our sincere thanks to you all. Any help or support you can give is truly valuable and we couldn't do any of this without you. Help us to make our childrens school the best place to learn and for them 'To be the best me that they can be'.