"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16
Welcome to our EYFS at Crockerne
We are Apple and Pear class and we work together as a Nursery and Reception unit. The children have a classroom as their base and Nursery aged children have a Nursery Nest area. During our 'Discovery Time' each day children free flow and access all areas of our enabling environment. They experience quality interactions with adults and their peers and are able to independently access their learning environment both indoors and outdoors whatever the weather!
This way of working allows us to have developmentally appropriate practice which means that children experience a play-based learning environment because....
'Play is the highest form of research'
Albert Einstein
'Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning but for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood'
Fred Rogers
Key Information for our week
Everyday- Bookbag with books and reading record, water bottle, wellies and waterproofs ( these can stay in school)
Monday - An opportunity for you to share a book with your child during our 'Family Reading' session at 2.55pm
Thursday (Term 1)- Forest School where we often need to wear our waterproofs and wellies and we spend time in our 'Forest School' area with our trained Forest School Leader
Reception (EYFS) Curriculum
These three areas are known as the prime areas:
These prime areas are supported, strengthened and applied by four specific areas: